Panel Discussion

Reconsidering Educational Media Studies from the perspective of the “Performance”

09:30 – 11:30
August 22nd, 2024


Traditional educational media research typically focuses on instructional technology and methods of media usage. However, a performative perspective also considers how media shape and negotiate social meanings and cultural impacts.

This perspective acknowledges that media function as tools and sites of social practice and expression. Exploring how media usage and production engage with processes of social identity formation, performance, and meaning-making offers new insights into the role and influence of educational media.

Therefore, the “Examining Educational Media Research from a Performative Perspective” theme promises a more comprehensive and profound understanding than traditional approaches. We have organized this panel discussion to spark new directions in educational media research and practice

Purpose and Panelists of This Panel Discussion

In this panel discussion, we will explore inquiry-based learning as a case study, focusing on the design of learning environments for inquiry-based learning, the role of teachers, the process of social identity construction among students, and the influence and role of educational media from a performance perspective.

Therefore, for this panel discussion, we are delighted to welcome Mr. Suzuki from Seto SOLAN Elementary School, who is leading innovative initiatives in inquiry-based learning, as a keynote speaker. Additionally, Prof. Hagiwara, an expert in theater, will join the panel discussion, and Prof.Ryu, a researcher from South Korea who is engaged in inquiry-based learning utilizing cutting-edge technology. Facilitating the conversation, we have Prof.. Kishi from Meiji University and Prof. Kawashima from Kansai University, both of whom are actively involved in educational practice research with a performative approach.

Through this panel discussion, we aim to gain insights into educational practices from a performative perspective and explore new possibilities for educational media research together with you.



Professor, Meiji University, JAPAN

Mr. Keiju SUZUKI

Teacher, Seto SOLAN Elementary School, JAPAN

Ken Hagiwara is professor at the School of Global Japanese Studies, Meiji University in Tokyo and former research associate of the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum, Waseda University in Tokyo. He gives courses on Japanese theater history and undertakes research on modern and contemporary German and Japanese theater. His activities include translation and preparation/operation of subtitles for guest performances by companies from German-speaking countries in Japan, and he has worked for Rimini Protokoll, Christoph Marthaler, and Rene Pollesch among others.

His publications include “100% Tokyo (2013) by Rimini Protokoll as a Political forum by Emancipated Performers and Audience Members” (in “The Routledge Companion to Theatre and Politics”, 2019) and “The gap between the <insider view> and <outsider view> on Fukushima as seen in the change of Festival/Tokyo’s lineup” (in “Performance Studies international Fluid States 2015 Tohoku, Japan Beyond Contamination: Corporeality, Spirituality, and Pilgrimage in Northern Japan Select conference proceedings”, 2015).

Keiju Suzuki is a teacher at Seto SOLAN Primary School in Japan. The school is characterized by a curriculum centered on inquiry-based learning. He has been involved in the practice since the school opened in 2021, and this year, in addition to practicing the inquiry based learning, he also serves as the grade leader and teach 4th grade students. He obtained a bachelor’s degree in International Japanese Studies from Meiji University in 2021.

Dr. Roberto B. FIGUEROA

Associate Professor, University of the Philippines Open University, REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES

Dr. Jeeheon RYU

Professor, Chonnam National University, REPUBLIC OF KOREA

Roberto Figueroa is an Associate Professor at the University of the Philippines (UP). He is the director of the Immersive Open Pedagogies Program and the deputy director of the Center for Open and Digital Teaching and Learning at the UP Open University, where he primarily develops and teaches courses on information technology and educational technology at the Faculty of Information and Communication Studies. He is currently engaged in research projects that involve collaborative online international learning, spatial computing, climate information services, and immersive learning. These projects are being conducted in collaboration with colleagues in the United States, Europe, Japan, and Southeast Asia.

Position: Professor, Department of Education, Chonnam National University, South Korea.
Research Focus: Dr. Ryu’s research specializes in instructional design principles within media-rich learning environments, with a particular emphasis on virtual reality (VR) and extended reality (XR) learning environments. He is an expert in measuring multimodal features of learning, especially within immersive settings. One of his major research topics is the embodiment of learning in immersive learning environments. His recent work is centered on designing learning experiences that integrate both emotional and cognitive perspectives to offer a more comprehensive understanding of the learning process. Additionally, he has been actively participating in research aimed at enhancing learning experiences.


Dr. Makiko KISHI

Professor, Meiji University, JAPAN


Associate Professor, Kansai University, JAPAN

Makiko Kishi, Ph.D. (Informatics), is a Professor at the School of Global Japanese Studies, Meiji University. She specializes in developing inquiry-based workshops through Arts-Based Research. As an Associate at the Eastside Institute and the Taos Institute, she focuses on learning environment design using the Performance Approach, also known as the “psychology of becoming,” within international networks. Dr. Kishi has dedicated many years to creating educational programs for refugees in Syria, Palestine, and Turkey, as well as for children with special needs. Her work integrates artistic methods to foster inclusive and dynamic learning environments, promoting both personal and community growth.

Yuko Kawashima is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Informatics, Kansai University. She received her Ph.D. at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto. Her special fields are Education, Communication Studies, and Applied Theatre. Paying attention to embodiment and cultural practices in theatrical performances, she devises educational programs for multicultural conviviality, applying theatrical methods. She has engaged in programs in and outside schools, including communication education for teachers and the First-Year Experience at university while researching learners’ experiences of transforming selves and transcending cultural boundaries. Currently, she is working on a documentary theatre project with her students.



Associate Professor, Osaaka Kyoiku University, JAPAN

Ryota Yamamoto is a Special Appointed Associate Professor, at the Division of Math, Sciences, and Information Technology in Education, Osaka Kyoiku University. His research interests include the design and evaluation of learning environments for informal inquiry-based projects in higher education. He facilitates the Japanese students’ various volunteer activities in the Philippines. In addition, he conducts research regarding the active and inquiry-based learning practices using ICT in elementary and secondary schools and teacher education programs under the GIGA school initiative, as well as the investigation of communities that support the use of ICT and practical support for their configuration, through qualitative analysis.